Academic Student Employee (ASE) New Employment Checklist

When you start a new job at the University of California, you should have the following:

1. Written Appointment Notification

Your appointment notification is your guarantee of a job. It should include your job title, appointment percentage, dates of employment, benefits, and information about your union. For tutors and readers, it should also include information about your faculty supervisor and room number. If you have less than 30 days to go before the start of your job and you don’t have this information, tell a union representative.

2. Supplemental Documentation

Unless you’re the instructor of record, you should also receive a form with written details about your new appointment. For readers and tutors, this is part of your appointment notification. For TA, this includes your supervisor, the room number, your duties, the class size, and other information.

3. Workload Grid

It’s good practice to track your hours with this Workload Grid form. Tracking your workload helps determine whether you are working more than you should be. If the grid shows you exceeding your maximum hours, get in touch with a union representative. Filing a workload grievance can get your appointment percentage increased or your hours reduced.